Water For People That Hate Water

The idea that adult people will open their mouths and say things like “I hate water,” is ridiculous but true. For those of you who openly or secretly fall into this category, I have listed a few drinks of water to try. The water on this list is ph balanced and has electrolytes added. What I have not included in this list are items like flavored water, sparkling water, or water enhancers. They are not helpful in hydration. While there are plenty of water offerings out there, these are just a few of my personal favorites. All of the waters on this list are also relatively easy to find at a convenience store, grocery store, or order online.

Core water was my favorite until I found Waiakea. Supposedly the Waiakea water comes from a well under a volcano in Hawaii and maybe that is where the great taste comes from. Maybe it is the blue container. I can’t say exactly why, but it is great to have on a hot summer day.

If for some reason you can not find any of the waters on this list to try for yourself, look for these things:


pH: 7.4 or higher


These particular waters are also quite expensive, generally retailing for over $2 per bottle. They also are not easily found in multi-bottle packs outside of the price clubs or online.

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Waiakea Water

Essentia Water
Core Water
Icelandic Glacial Water

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