5 Tips To Change Your Diet Forever

Things to consider before changing your diet

About 50 to 60 years ago the United States government came up with a nutritional plan to ease people off of fatty meats and onto carbohydrates as so many Americans were suffering from heart disease. Most of the rest of the world adopted the same or similar plans and now most people are extremely out of shape. Here I offer a few tips to help anyone wanting to get their diet together.


  1. You need to be tired of your condition

Some people can change their diet just because it the right thing to do. But that is not the case for the vast majority of us. If you are not tired of one or more of these:

  • being out of shape
  • taking medication for high blood pressure, insulin, etc.
  • not being able to keep up with friends, family, children, grandchildren
  • Other issues related to poor diet

This list may not be for you.

  1. You need to plan your meals

Trying to “wing it” when changing the eating habits that you’ve form over the past 20, 30, 40, or more years of your life is a certain disaster. Trying to figure out what you are going to eat moments before you are going to eat every day requires too much brainpower. I would suggest taking one day out of the week to search for interesting meal ideas that fit your diet plan and prepare a week’s worth on that day. There are quite a few low carb recipes right here on ABVM that work great for just about any diet and do not require lots of preparation.

  1. You need to eat until you are full

Being hungry unnecessarily is a sure-fire way to end up back where you started. Any diet that leaves you hungry is not for you. You may have to try four or five diets before you find one to fit your lifestyle and that is ok.

  1. There is no such thing as a magic pill

You did not end up where you are right now overnight and you should not expect to get to where you want to be overnight either. Drugs like metformin do more harm than good and should be avoided at all costs.

  1. You have to stop emotional eating

Emotional eating is probably the hardest thing for people to quit. Emotional eating is not just when you are sad and depressed but also when you are happy and celebrating. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other gatherings centered around food are bad for your new diet unless you are in control of the planning or have the strength to stay on course. More importantly, the good feelings you associate with these good times are what triggers depression eating.

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