Mount Gay Eclipse Heritage Blend Rum Review

A Flavorful Rum That Won’t Break The Bank First off, let me say that rum is one of my favorite alcoholic beverages. I definitely have a bias when it comes to rum. My rum journey started out with Bacardi Silver and Barcadi 151. As I got older and my palette and pockets matured so did…… Continue reading Mount Gay Eclipse Heritage Blend Rum Review

Appleton Estates Signature Blend Review

What Is Appleton Estates? Appleton Estates is one of the oldest rum producers in the Caribbean. While not a high-flow mass producer like Bacardi, Appleton Estates’ focus is far more on quality over availability. The Signature Blend is their entry-level offering. You can expect to shell out around $20 for a 750ml bottle. Nose According…… Continue reading Appleton Estates Signature Blend Review