Shampoo and Condition Your Hair With OGX

OGX Charcoal Detox Shampoo and Conditioner
OGX Charcoal Detox Shampoo and Conditioner

Shampoo and Conditioner Luxury For Your Hair

I know many people that would not spend much more than a few dollars for a combination of shampoo and conditioner that will leave your hair feeling dry and your head itchy and full of dandruff. A few years ago I found the OGX line in a local grocery store and I have not used another shampoo and conditioner since. While this article is for any and everyone, men’s, in particular, should be sensitive about which products they use in their hair. Maintaining healthy and well-hydrated hair wards off damaged hair and hair loss.

While a beauty bottle is an eye-catcher, the scent of the OGX products is breathtaking. Not only does it smell great when you pop the top, but the fragrance also stays in your hair for hours. While smelling good does not have any nutritional value, it feels good.

The conditioner provides great hydration for your hair. I often use it as a leave-in conditioner. If my head feels dry, I will put use some in the morning and it keeps my scalp moisturized all day.

If you have ever been in the store, looked at these products and walked away because of the price, this is your chance to walk back. Even if you cringe as you press the checkout button, you will grin after you use these products and become as faithful as I now am.

Charcoal Products Are Hot But Consider This…

While I absolutely featured the charcoal detox shampoo in this blog, remember this before you run off to grab some. Charcoal is abrasive. In your hair, on your skin or teeth, charcoal may change the texture and complexion of any place you apply it. While the OGX Charcoal Detox has not caused me any undesired changes, other products may be less forgiving. Do your research and be very careful before you use any new products.


Tips For Proper Hair Care

According to Teen Vogue, there are 6 things that one should remember when washing and conditioning their hair:

  1. Less is More: Avoid Washing Daily (Or Even Every Other Day)
  2. Use Filtered, Luke Warm Water
  3. Use Gentle Pressure to Massage the Scalp and the Roots of Your Hair
  4. Choose a Shampoo that Suits Your Hair Type
  5. Leave Your Conditioner in for Five to Seven Minutes
  6. Towel Dry Your Hair and Follow Up with Protectant

These simple tips will help young people develop healthy hair care habits. Older people can also gain benefits by using these tips to help regenerate and rejuvenate their hair.

Note: Product links are affiliate links. Affiliate links are a way for abvm to make money when the customer buys products by being redirected to a retailer.  Affiliate links do not cost customers extra money.

Check out the OGX line of shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products at Amazon here:

Check out the OGX line of shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products at Walmart here:

Feel free to comment on your experiences with the OGX line or any other great products below. If you have other hair care products you would like for me to test, you can also comment about those as well.

1 comment

  1. Too many people have no knowledge of the fact that shampoos that grow your hair faster and longer (of course with no sulfates, no parabens and no DEA) are even a thing. People can now have longer hair and attain more alternatives. Certainly worth searching.

    If you’re addressing hair loss, damaged hair, preventing hair disorders, hair growth, hair care more often than not, very similar principles become relevant.

    In most cases, you should try to steer clear of hair products and treatments that include chemicals like parabens, DEA or sulfates.

    What is good for your hair is healthy for your skin also.

    Clearly your content on this page hits the nail in the head for so many reasons. It steers away from the usual traps and errors so many fall into- purchasing bad alternatives. Keep it up!

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