You Get What You Pay For
Sometimes you can truly spend less and get a deal. Most of the time this is not the case. When you elect to go for a cheaper product, you will either get less of the product or a much lower quality of a product. Whether you need an everyday product for work or just something to do small projects around the house, cheap power tools should be left to those not fortunate enough to have read this article.
In this case, I am referring to the Genesis GCD18BK 18 volt cordless drill. When the drill is fresh off a full charger it works well for a quick job, it comes with the necessary accessories and feels great, looks professional. The problem is, the next time you need to drill a hole and screw in a few screws, the drill will probably not be ready, unless you charge it right before you get started.
I bought the drill way back in 2016 and I doubt that I have used it more than 50 times. I am pretty sure that I have not overcharged and killed the battery. For the $40 I spent, I am not complaining, just saying that this is something you should look out for.
If I were to start a large renovation project, I would probably buy a new drill. Something with a higher capacity battery, maybe even two batteries. I would also invest in a system with a better battery charger as well.
With all said, I’ve lived and learned a valuable lesson. Hopefully, after reading this article, I can save you some time and heartache too. Even if you are only a hobbyist, spend a little money so you can actually enjoy your hobby.
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